WEB3 101

  • What is Web3?

    Web3.0 is the next iteration of the world wide web that will incorporate decentralization, blockchain technology, and token-based economics. Web3 aims to move us away from centralized platforms so that we can have more ownership of our data.

    What are the three stages of the web?

    Web 1.0 is the read only web - in this era of the internet you could do things like read emails and look at websites.

    Web 2.0 allowed us to read and write. This era of the internet which we are still largely in, introduced us to social media and e-commerce. With Web 2.0 the way we participate with the world wide web is largely through centralized platforms (think Facebook, Instagram, etc.) that have ownership over our data.

    Currently, we are building the bridge between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 - in the Web 3.0 version of the internet we will be able to read, write and execute. The technologies this iteration of the internet is built on will enable us to have ownership of our data.

    Why is Web3 something to pay attention to?

    Web 3.0 is the future of the internet that we will all participate in. If you think back to Web 2.0 and the start of centralized platforms /social media, even if you weren’t an early adopter, it is very likely that these platforms are now part of your everyday routine - whether that’s checking in with friends on Instagram or shopping online.

    While we don’t exactly know how it’s all gonna play out, what we do know is that the early days of an industry is where the most difference is made and where there are opportunities for networking and wealth building. It is important that there’s full representation as the space is being created, which is why we need more women involved! We can’t predict the future, but we can co-create it.

    How can Web3 be used for good?

    We believe in a world where technology can be used as a tool for liberation. There will be huge opportunities to learn, make money, and participate in like-minded communities because of the technology that Web3 is built on. We can harness these opportunities to build programs and spaces, both online and offline, that empower women and support important causes.

  • What does NFT stand for?

    Nonfungible token. Meaning it cannot be traded or exchanged. See the glossary for more detail.

    Why would I want to buy an NFT?

    NFTs are digital assets that have the potential to grow as the project grows. As an NFT holder, you can think of yourself as an early investor. If you believe in the project vision and want to be part of the community and what the team is building, it’s a great way to get involved in the Web3 space.

    In short, NFTs aren’t just about artwork, they’re about the utility and community that come with them. NFTs aren’t just about artwork, they’re about the utility and community that come with them. Check out the holder benefits to learn more about the utility that comes with a Wudland Fairy NFT.

    How do I buy an NFT?

    1. Participate in a mint event

    2. Buy on a secondary market like Opensea

    3. Check out this page for more info

  • What is crypto?

    Crypto is a digital currency that is used to purchase digital assets. See the glossary for more detail.

    How do I buy crypto?

    Through a digital wallet like Coinbase. Apps like Coinbase do a good job of bridging the gap and make buying crypto fun and easy.

  • What is Wudland World?

    Wudland World is empowering women to shape the next era of the internet through community, resources, and events.

    We are launching our genesis digital collectible consisting of 5,555 fairies living on the Ethereum blockchain. Your collectible unlocks perks including a private community chat, priority access to online & IRL experiences, merch discounts, and more.

    When is the mint date

    May 3, 2023

    What is the floor price?

    $95 Whitelist / $125 Public

    Our aim is to make pricing accessible to first time NFT buyers — pricing will be translated to ETH on mint day.

    How to mint?

    We will be minting on the Ethereum blockchain and you will be able to purchase the collectible in ETH or Fiat (USD).

    How do I join the Wudland community?

    You can purchase a Wudland Fairy collectible on mint day and keep an eye on our social for upcoming virtual and IRL events.

    How do I get a spot on the whitelist?

    You can add yourself to the whitelist at the link here.

If you’re new to the world of Web3, no worries! We’re here to help you learn more about the new era of the internet. We put together some frequently asked questions to help you get started and learn about our project. If you want the full deep dive, you can sign up for our free WTF is Web3?! Guide at the link here.